期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Due to non-infrastructure requirement AdHoc network has gained higher popularity in recent past. AdHoc networks demands for higher intermediate node supports for long-range communication. For the improvement of long-range communication different routing schemes were suggested. Wireless AdHoc network is an emerging communication approach. In wireless AdHoc network the most commonly used routing method is anycast routing. Any cast is an addressing mode in which the same address is assigned to multiple hosts. In these hosts form any cast group and each host is referred to as an any cast group member. To transmit the packets from a client to the group address are routed to the any cast group member closest to the client. Where ‘closest’ is the specific routing protocol. Today’s any cast routing protocols are commonly modification of existing unicast routing protocols such as link-state routing protocol and distance routing algorithm. The main drawback of these routing is it cannot consider the number of available any cast group members for its routing decision. In order to solve these problems by using density-based routing has to be developed.olle
关键词:Adhoc Network; Throughput; High rate services.