期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Technology
期号:4Ver 3
出版社:Ayushmaan Technologies
摘要:The trend of software engineering is shifting towards Component- Based Software Engineering (CBSE) from the traditional methods of software engineering. Everybody wants the product to be ready quickly. This support is provided by Component- Based Software engineering. Since the system is to be build with the ready to use components or prefabricated components the testing of these components is of utmost importance. Software testing is an important verification activity in Software Development Life Cycle which requires resources and man hours. It consist of the dynamic verification of the behavior of a program on a finite set of the test cases, suitably selected from the usually infinite executions domain, against the specified expected behavior. The testing effort can be divided into test case generation, test execution, test evaluation. To reduce the cost of testing process, efficient test case generation technique is required. So test case generation is an important part of software testing. As manual testing is error prone and time consuming activity therefore as a part of our research work we have tried to automate manual test generation activity. We have adopted two ways by which automated test data is generated, namely test case generation from UML activity diagram based on gray box method and automated test case generation using PETA Tool. These methods have been implemented and their results have been verified.
关键词:Activity diagram; Unit Testing; Peta tool; Eclipse.AS)e.