摘要:Entrepreneurial marketing is a marketing approach that is more appropriate in terms of resource constraints and problems that exist in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Although the footwear industry is one of the government-supported SMEs sector in Indonesia, the development of the industry is still relatively slow. Various government policies have been implemented related to export and import settings, but it does not seem to provide significant benefits to the national development of the footwear industry. The main purpose of this study is to formulate a model of entrepreneurial marketing for business development and sustainability of small and household footwear industries based on the analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM) with partial least squares (PLS), entrepreneurial marketing shows positive influence on the development of the value of path coefficient of 0.511 (alpha = 5%). In addition, the ability of entrepreneurial marketing also has a positive influence on the value of business sustainability path coefficient of 0.430 (alpha = 5%). This positive influence means that businesses with a higher ability of entrepreneurial marketing will have higher levels of business development and sustainability. It can be concluded that entrepreneurial marketing plays an important role in shaping business development and sustainability of small and household footwear industries.