摘要:This study documents the regional origins of the college-experienced population in the nonmetro South, using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 Cohort. As of 1994, the nonmetro South had generated over half of its own college-experienced adults between the ages of 30-38, a higher rate than that of any other region. Although the results of logistic regression estimates show that nonmetro southerners were less likely to attend college, those who left the region for college were more likely to return than other regional migrants, especially after age 30. In addition, the relatively low demand for college-trained labor in the nonmetro South made it possible for employers to meet their labor needs using a largely native workforce. College-experienced nonmetro southerners in the early 1990's apparently were willing to work for lower earnings in their home region than they could earn elsewhere, yet they received higher pay on average than did other returnees.