摘要:The article characterizes the lingual rhetoric paradigm as an integrative approach in philology based on three crossing categorical ranges: 1) the ideological aspects of a speech act (ethos, logos, pathos); 2) the phases of the universal ideospeech cycle «from a thought to a word» (invention, disposition (arrangement), elocution (style) as the technology of discourse process; 3) the structural levels of a lingual identity (associative verbal network, thesaurus, pragmaticon) as the producer of discourse, the carrier of ideology. Hence there are three groups of lingual rhetoric parameters: ethos motivational dispositive, logos thesaurus inventive, pathos verbal elocutive.
关键词:lingual rhetoric paradigm; theoretical and applied aspects; crossing of three categorial ranges: ethos; logos; pathos; invention; arrangement; elocution; verbal semantic; lingual cognitive; motivational levels of a lingual identity