期刊名称:International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
摘要:The ARDA Metadata Catalog Grid Application (AMGA) web application has been widely used; however, it has drawbacks such as easy-to-use interface, no direct building of the Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS) proxy and no maintenance after AMGA server version 1.3. In response, we adapted a new development procedure and toolkit from Graphic User Interface (GUI) client, a Client/Server (C/S) program, to a web application to manage the both Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) and Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) at the same time. The AMGA web application provides many interesting features for manipulation of collections, metadata schema, entries, access control, user/group information, federation and others. Additionally, this web application includes a powerful SQL query editor that enables users to make complicated sentences under specific query conditions. In this paper, we describe the implementation of the AMGA web application focusing on the transformation of AMGA Manager using Eclipse RCP to a RAP-based web application.