摘要:Durante los días 17 y 18 de octubre se ha celebrado en Santander, organizado por la Sociedad de Pediatría de Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, y con el patrocinio de Nestlé, el X Memorial Guillermo Arce-Ernesto Sánchez Villares. La reunión se celebró en el Paraninfo de la Magdalena y asistieron más de 300 pediatras pertenecientes a las tres comunidades que forman la SCCALP. La inaguración oficial estuvo presidida por el Prof. Serafín Málaga, la vicedecana de la Facultad de Medicina, Prof. A. Mediavilla, la Concejal de Sanidad del Excmo Ayuntamiento de Santander, María José García Repetto y la responsable del Comité Organizador Local, Prof. María José Lozano. Durante la inaguración, el Prof. Federico Collado habló sobre la “Semblanza Humana de los Maestros de Nuestra Escuela”. Don Federico se refirió a las” vidas paralelas” de Don Guillermo Arce y de Don Ernesto.
其他摘要:The incursion of the WWW system, or the Internet System, in scientific fields, has become an increasing threat for an almost monopoly of the developed countries, and among them, the multinationals enterprises An incipient but nevertheless important scientific and technological net works was established by the under-developed countries, for the first time in history; specialized communication has been more frequent between specialists of almost all branches of scientific activities. This is a new opportunity that has opened to the under-developed world, to aspire to be more competitive in the areas of I+R. Nevertheless, it is clear that the most difficult part, because of its cost, is the development itself, field in which the developed countries, due to their high possibilities, will continue to have mayor advantages. That is why, in this essay is suggested the possibility, to transform the I+R for that: I+I (investigation and innovation), for the under-developed world. To this matter it’s imperative, for the under-developed countries, to withdraw from the limited financial resources; that can be, destined to investigation, innovation and scientific investigation.