出版社:International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE)
摘要:This paper presents an exploratory study of Jordanian chemistry student teachers` and experienced teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning. Different instruments were used, focusing on different aspects of teaching and learning. The first instrument is based on teachers' and students' drawings of teaching situations. It includes open questions evaluated by a grid describing teachers’ Beliefs about Classroom Organization, Beliefs about Teaching Objectives and Epistemological Beliefs. A second evaluation using the same data source is made by applying the ‘Draw-A-Science-Teacher-Teaching’-Checklist (DASTT-C), which shows the teacher- or student-centeredness of teachers` beliefs concerning science teaching. A third approach is composed of a Likert-questionnaire examining teachers' beliefs about what constitutes good education in general. The results indicate that both above-mentioned groups hold quite traditional beliefs, which are teacher- and purely content-centered when it comes to chemistry teaching practices. Student teachers profess ideas which are even more pronouncedly traditional. Nevertheless, the general educational beliefs are more open and promising. Implications for chemistry teacher education and educational reform in Jordan are also addressed.