摘要:The Joint Statistical Meetings taking place in New York on August 11–15, 2002 will feature a number of R-related activities. Paul Murrell will chair a session on “R Graphics” with talks on R graphics desiderata (Vincent Carey), scatterplot3d (Uwe Ligges), an R interface to OpenGL (Duncan Murdoch), embedding R graphics in Excel (Erich Neuwirth) and GGobi & R (Deborah Swayne). In addition, Paul will give a talk on using color in graphs. Brian Yandell has organized a session entitled “The Future of Electronic Publication: Show Me ALL the Data”. It consists of talks on extensible formats for data analysis & documentation (Friedrich Leisch), analysis of microarray data (Robert Gentleman), strategies for software quality assurance (Kurt Hornik) and dynamic statistical documents (Duncan Temple Lang).