摘要:One of the interesting statistical challenges of the early 21st century is the analysis of genomic data. This field is already producing large complex data sets that hold the promise of answering important questions about how different organisms function. Of particular interest is the ability to study diseases at a new level of resolution. While the rewards appear substantial there are large hurdles to overcome. The size and complexity of the data may prevent many statisticians from getting involved. The need to understand a reasonable (or unreasonable) amount of biology in order to be effective will also be a barrier to entry for some. We have recently begun a new initiative to develop software tools to make the analysis of these data sets easier and we hope to substantially lower the barrier to entry for statisticians. The project is called Bioconductor, www.bioconductor.org. We chose the name to be suggestive of cooperation and we very much hope that it will be a collaborative project developed in much the same spirit as R.