This paper predicts the financial performance of the enterprises acting in the building sector in Galati County (Romania). The financial performance was evaluated using the model Conan & Holder of assessing the risk of bankruptcy adjusted to the specificity of the Romanian building sector. This model was achieved using financial data of 11 enterprises acting in this sector in the period 2001-2006 and was tested on the same enterprises for the year 2006 with a success rate of 81.82%. Also, the model was tested on another sample of 10 enterprises, using financial data of 2006, with a rate of success of 77.78%. The aim of this paper is to predict the financial performance of all enterprises used to designing and testing the model, on the base of financial data from the balance sheets of enterprises in the period 2007-2008. The conclusions show the relevance of the adjusted model in forecasting the financial performance and ranking the enterprises by performance; also reflect the evolution of the financial performance registered by the studied enterprises in the actual economic environment.