摘要:Visibilizando fronteiras porosas e polêmicas das manifesta..es culturais contemporaneas no Marajó dos Campos, experienciadas por agentes detentores do poder local e produtores culturais populares, o ensaio estabelece um diálogo da arte produzida por mestre Damasceno Gregório dos Santos, afroindígena marajoara de Salvaterra, com as percep..es e tratamentos dado pelas políticas culturais e educacionais locais sobre a cultura popular marajoara. Ao relacionarmos a produ..o das memórias captadas em vídeo e por escrito aos sentidos da luta pela valoriza..o dos saberes-fazeres de mestre Damasceno, alcan.amos arte(manhas) da cultura afroindígena marajoara, revelando-se em sua riqueza patrimonial e driblando estratégias para n.o se deixar silenciar.
其他摘要:Porous borders and polemics by viewing the contemporary cultural events in the Marajó Fields, experienced by actors holding of local and popular cultural producers, the test establishes a dialogue of art produced by the master of Saints Gregory Daniels, afroindígena marajoara Salvaterra, with the perceptions and treatments given by the local cultural and educational policies on popular culture marajoara. For this, we will bring to the fore the voice of the master of Damascus, through the transcript of video evidence, audiovisual recording captured in 2007, the important work done by Professor Aézio Figueiredo, the Elementary School Olav Novaes, who, concerned with the preservation of marajoara wisdom, recorded oral experiences, knowledge and life trajectories of Gregory Daniels, plus interviews with the master himself and the county social workers. Relating the production of memories captured on video and written directions to the struggle for enhancement of knowledge-doings of the master of Damascus, achieved art (morning) afroindígena Marajó culture, revealing itself in its rich heritage and dodging strategies to avoid being silence.