摘要:The current Internet is indubitably the sum and substance of today's global integrated communications infrastructure and service platform that has harnessed more than a billion users across the world. However, the tremendous impetus of internet-based infrastructures and services has resulted in the conception of a state of affaires that is completely different than what was envisioned when internet's architecture was designed in the 1970s. It is therefore become indispensable to develop the Future Internet that can cope with the emerging demands of in- formation society of tomorrow. An important factor for the successful deployment of Future Internet is to prepare a compelling case to convince the operators that Future Internet will assure business benefits for them. In this paper, we identify key technological challenges that need to be addressed to achieve this goal. This paper consolidates the activities of three research projects and provides valid and experienced design guidelines to model and evaluate new operation and maintenance solutions, and insert them into realistic business deployments that are the ultimate proof of their enhanced benefits.