摘要:Problem solving is a central topic in modern educational contexts and has been receiving increasing interest in educational large-scale assessment studies like the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). However, conceptualizing and assessing problem solving skills is not a trivial task and up to now research has provided little assistance in developing sound measures. In this article the rationale behind PISA and behind two domain-unspecific strands in problem solving research, the fields of interactive problem solving (IPS) and collaborative problem solving (ColPS), which will be assessed as cross-curricular abilities in the PISA 2012 and the PISA 2015 survey, respectively, are introduced. After giving basic information on PISA, both constructs, IPS and ColPS, are reviewed with regard to (a) their conceptual understanding and theoretical background, (b) specific items used to translate the theoretical background into empirical scales, (c) existing research on predictive and construct validity, and (d) general obstacles as well as obstacles specific to large-scales assessments, which are to be met in an assessment of IPS and ColPS. The internationally high impact of the PISA survey renders further research on both constructs indispensable. The subsequent implications for problem solving research and educational systems are discussed.
关键词:interactive problem solving; collaborative problem solving; PISA; large-scale assessment; complex problem solving; dynamic problem solving