期刊名称:Journal of Environmental Hydrology (ältere Jahrgänge)
摘要:Soft geo-objects have been useful for investigating spatial patterns of the Geographic Information System (GIS) based overland flow mechanism, but have suffered from a lack of ability to realistically visualize the dynamic aspects of the volumetric Streamflow Generating Processes (SGP). Existing 2D soft geo-objects data models are insufficient for analyzing the dynamism of the Infiltration Excess Overland Flow (IEOF) volumetrically, which is the major process contributing towards SGP. At present, there is still no unifying evidence available that provides a coherent explanation for the integration of the 3D Volumetric Soft Geo-objects (VSG) data model for infiltration excess mechanisms. This study aims to visualize areas and overland flow volume generated from the IEOF process dynamically using a 3D VSG data model, which is driven by the Green-Ampt infiltration equation. Inclusion of a 3D VSG data model offers substantial value towards representing 3D soft geo-objects simulating IEOF dynamically within a catchment, estimating overland flow capacity, and routing and diversions to reduce landslides and flood disaster.