摘要:Food produetion, i. e. problems connected with the development of agriculture, is a very good starting point for analyzing existing controversies concerning the future development in the world. This problem is especially well-expressed in Third World countries, where there is an increasing gap between the explosive population growth and the insufficient agrarian produetion. Relevant world literature (futurological, neo-Malthusian) gives different answers about the prospects for solving this problem in the future. In the second part of the article the author considers the relation rural societies have towards technological change. It is obvious that, for various reasons, such societies accept innovations that bring to an increase of agricultural production very slowly and with great difficulties. The breakup of village self-sustenance and the development of industry and commerciaI produetion, where agriculture becomes an open segment of the economy, is the most efficient solution for technological innovation in agriculture and the path towards increasing food production on the world scale. This doe s not mean the destruction of all social and culturai values of the rural society, but their adaptation to a new situation.
关键词:technological changes; agricultural production; population growth; rural society