出版社:International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE)
摘要:I am grateful to Francoys Gagné for his meticulously researched DMGT model elegantly crafted over the years, his distinctions between gifts and talents, and his work on the catalysts and processes, which make this a dynamic, not static conception. I also admire his keen insights about the appropriate methods for assessing over- and underrepresentation among socio-economic levels and diverse populations. Although I find his views valid on equity and talent development when viewed from a measurement standpoint, missing perspectives are: looking at talent development through a cultural lens, considering the end point of talent development, and whether academic talent is the “name of the game”. I wish I felt more hopeful as a result of Gagné’s article (2011), which suggests that the status quo related to equity is likely to continue to be based on meritocratic principles. But lack of opportunity and barriers to aspirations development for those in poverty or in underrepresented groups need consideration.