摘要:We present an investigation in progress – conducted during Doctorate in History, Politics and Cultural Goods of Fundação Getúlio Vargas, directed by Professor Bianca Freire-Medeiros - regarding the origin, constitution and implementation of the idea of social tourism at Sesc, examining the circumstances in which leisure and tourism become relevant to its policies. We try to comprehend the changes and readjustments that guided the institution’s actions, and how the modifications in the concept of social tourism have been interacting with Sesc’s guidelines, postures and intentions. We have mapped and analyzed the Brazilian academic production, which, in different ways, has addressed the topic. Two interviews were conducted with the professionals responsible for the sectors of research and documents of the regional administration at the Sesc of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo – the two regional offices that are most actively and “attentively” involved with the ideas and changes related to the social tourism in the world and present in the history of the social tourism in the country.