摘要:The sought to establish the effect of relationship quality on customer loyalty among registered pharmaceutical firms in Western Kenya. The study used descriptive research design in which multistage sampling technique was employed to select a sample size of 52 from the targeted population of 60. A self administered structured and semi structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data. The findings revealed that there is a positive relationship between relationship quality dimensions and Customer loyalty as was shown by R2 of 62.7% of the regression model. The study provided empirical evidence on the significant effect of relationship quality on customer loyalty. It also contributed to the academic field by in cooperating and testing service quality as relationship quality dimension as suggested by other researchers in relationship marketing. It further recommended that Pharmaceutical firms should focus on those activities that would ensure maximum service quality, customer satisfaction, trust and commitment to achieve competitive advantage.g exper
关键词:Relationship quality; Customer Loyalty; pharmaceutical firms; Western Kenya.rs.e