摘要:This paper reports the evaluation of abnormal muscle tonus by the pendulum testing with an accelerometer. Subjects consisted of ten healthy males (group C), and 6 patients with atonic spinal paralysis (group P), and 15 hemiplegic patients (goup H1; 11 with exasperated muscle tonus, group H2; 4 with the marked exasperation of muscle tonus). The pendulum testing was performed on subjects with both the sitting and supine positions, and the parameter, l/t (l: the maximun amplitude, t: the time necessary for a stationary state) was obtained from the damped curve of an acceleration. The parameter l/t showed a tendency to become larger in the order of groups P, C., H1, and H2. In groups C and P, there was no difference in l/t between the two testing positions. However, in groups H1 and H2, l/t appeared larger with the supine position than with the sitting position, showing almost the same difference in l/t between the two positions. These results suggest that the pendulum testing with the spuine position might be an important evaluation method for the exasperated muscle tonus.