摘要:I experienced study and training on physical therapy for the cardiovascular organs at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center. Its content were cardiovascular organs rehabilitation and physiological evaluation of cardiovascular organs. Principally, the subjects were NYHA III out of ischemic cardiopathy and other disorders such as fragmentation, spinal damage, cerebrovascular disorder. The evaluation items upon exercise testing included resting electrocardiograms, judgement of risk factors, the types of pharmacotherapies, heart sounds (S3, S4, noise), restraint factors on exercise testing. The results of exercise tests offered indexes such as FAI%, Max VO2 (ml/kg/min.), arrival heart rate, existence of pectralgia, existence of arrhythmia and its type if there was, blood pressure reaction, change of ST, oxgen saturation and so on. As for treadmills, their main method of exercise tests were Bruce method and low level method. The program of their therapeutic exercise was executed mainly with treadmills and bicycle ergometers, adoping Karvonenn method. Execution started from modulus 0.6 in risky cases. They checked time for exercise test, blood pressure, existence of pectralgia and pulse rate in case of ordinary treatment and training, and heart rate and types of arrhythmia, etc. in case of monitoring through electrocardiograms.
关键词:exercise test; cardiovascular disorder; Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center