摘要:Leg length inequality (LLI) was artificially made by placing a rubber sole of 1 - 5cm high under a left foot of four healthy adults, and they were ordered to walk on the force place. Gait parameters examined consisted of speed and time factors, ground reaction forces, displacements of the body's center of gravity(COG), displacement volume, and the total walk of COG done per unit mass and distance walked. The effects of LLI and individual difference on those parameters were statistically analyzed. It was found that most of speed and time factors were possible affected by the LLI, but the variation of these factors by the LLI were minimum. The vertical displacement width was found to become longer by the approximately 3 cm due to the 5 cm LLI. On the other hand, the lateal and force-aft displacement widths were not affected by the LLI. The total work of COG done per unit mass and distance walked was increased in the gait with LLI of 4 cm and over. It was suggested that the LLI less than 4 cm have little effect on mechanical efficiency of gait.
关键词:Leg length inequality; Gait analysis; Center of gravity