摘要:Physiological Cost Index (PCI) of 18 hemiplegic patients was obtained by using a change in heart rate (HR) during 3-min walk, and the value was compared with the required time for 10 m walk and a change in HR in a standing-up motion. 1) Hemiplegic patients showed a significantly higher PCI than healthy controls. There was a significant negative correlation between PCI and repetitions of standing-ups and ΔHR1 (difference in HR between static condition and after 10 m walk). 2) The significantly longer required time for 10 m walk was observed in hemiplegic patients than in controls. However, higher ΔHR1, was shown in controls than in patients. 3) Controls showed significantly higher frequencies of standing-ups (68 times) compared with patients (55 times), and controls exhibited a significantly higher endurance index than hemiplegic patients (P<0.05). There was, however, no differencein HR between them. 4) The required time for 10 m walk had a significantly negative correlation with every indices measured in this study.
关键词:hemiplegic patients; walking ability; physiological cost index (PCI)