摘要:Within more turbulent, and increasingly globalized and digitalized environments, Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) has long been recognized as one of the most significant factors for better management. More recently, SISP has been included as one of the important components of IT governance frameworks. However, as business environments and IS/IT applications are rapidly growing in complexity, SISP needs to be implemented rigidly enough to meet project requirements, yet sufficiently flexible to adjust to environmental and managerial change. To diminish the problems and develop a successful SISP process, various enablers that make change possible both inside and outside of the corporation need to be identified and enhanced, and all possible inhibitors that prevent corporations from obtaining benefits and value need to be predicted and minimized. Besides, the inhibitors and enablers are intimately interrelated with each other. This paper presents a model of these interrelationships and reports on a pilot case study that investigated enablers and inhibitors of SISP in a large Korean corporation. The study demonstrated close relationships between enablers and inhibitors and benefits of SISP. Further research is planned to validate these findings in other large Korean corporations.
关键词:Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP); IT Governance; Enablers; ;Inhibitors