标题:Mapping of the Sweet Potato Value Chain Linkages between Actors, Processes and Activities in the Value Chain: A Case of “Michembe” and “Matobolwa” Products
摘要:The objective of the study was to map sweet potato value chain linkages between actors, processes and activities in Tanzania. The study is cross sectional in design.The study was conducted in Shinyanga rural and Mwanza urban districts. The study used individual interviews, focused group discussions; review of relevant practical documents and discussions with key informants. A total of 150 actors in the value chain participated. Data collected was summarized using Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) and content analysis. Analysis of data shows that “Michembe” and“Matobolwa” were two main local made value added products derived from sweet potatoes preferred by producers. In general sweet potatoes production is marked with low production and productivity. Low productivity is a result of poor agronomic practices and low level of production technology application among others. Three main marketing channels exist in the study area: Producers selling directly to consumer; producers to retailers to consumer; and producers to hawkers/village vendors to consumer. Moreover data revealed that (50.7%) of sampled producers set prices after hearing from their fellow farmers. About (44%) of the sampled producers sell their produce direct to the market. The sub sector in general faces a number of structural and technological problems that need immediate attention to revamp agricultural sector development.