摘要:The current research aims to explore the possible effects of need for uniqueness’s dimensions on fashion luxury brands purchase intentions and to compare Kish and Dubai market in this perspective. The researchers consider three dimensions for uniqueness: creative choice, similarity avoidance and unpopular choice. In addition, the relations between those three dimensions were investigated.Findings indicate that consumers want to express their individuality, and they also want to maintain social norms. This findings support the idea that some consumers prefer expensive and high quality brands that are considered prestigious. This study reveals that there is a relation between creativity choice and unpopular choice among respondents of two markets and the relation between unpopular choice and similarity avoidance, creativity choice and similarity avoidance is only valid among respondents of Iran. The definition of uniqueness for both markets is the same due to order of importance for each constructs in mind of participants in the survey while this definition remain the same between genders and among respondents with different level of education.