摘要:This study analyzes a foundation year’s language curriculum of a Saudi community college which uses English as a medium of instruction with the aim of improving its curriculum. First, both terms ‘curriculum’ and ‘syllabus’ are defined followed by a brief historical account of curriculum studies. Then, theories informing curriculum and syllabus design, implementation, and evaluation are discussed including curriculum formation, development of objectives, different approaches to curriculum and syllabus types, how, where and when they can be implemented. Moreover, a contextual background about the college and its English language program and curriculum is provided. After that, the curriculum is discussed through analyzing several of its aspects including planning, needs analysis, goals, objectives, syllabus, taught materials, skills, teaching and delivery, testing and evaluation. Main curriculum challenges facing the concerned educators and learners are also addressed. The study concludes by advocating the focus on the underlying problems and major deficiencies in the current and similar curriculums instead of only dealing with their symptoms.