标题:DESENVOLVIMENTO E REFORMA AGRÁRIA NA REGIÃO SUL DO RS: OS IMPACTOS DOS ASSENTAMENTOS NO COTIDIANO DAS FAMÍLIAS (Development and agrarian reform in the south region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the impacts of the settlements...)
出版社:Editora da Universidade Federal de Roraima (EdUFRR)
摘要:The objective of this study was to analyze the impacts of the deployment of the settlements in the life and development of families settled in the southern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. For this we used the concept of sustainable development proposed by Ignacy Sachs, constituted by five dimensions: social, cultural, economical, environmental and spatial/territorial. We opted for the realization of a multiple case study, analyzing two settlements, deployed in different territorial contexts, respectively in the cities of Canguçu and Candiota. The technique used for data collection was the semi-structured interview, being considered for analysis the totality of the existing families in those two settlements. The results demonstrated a positive impact on different considered dimensions indicating a significant improvement in quality of life in the families settled, although there are challenges yet. The intensity of these impacts is directly influenced by the territorial context in which the settlements are inserted, determining their development possibilities. We finally found that, although does not cause significant changes in the Brazilian agrarian structure, the deployment of the settlements profoundly alters the lives of the families involved, meaning a new possibility
关键词:development; agrarian reform; settlement; family