“Translation Evaluation” (TE) is a delicate process. It plays a considerable role in the process of Translation Education. TE is a tool by which translation education could get its pre determined aims. The importance of TE through the last decades has led to many studies and researches in this field of study. Various strategies using tools and models of TE, based on linguistics and interdisciplinary fields, have been presented. The stimulus of moving from one strategy to another is to objectify TE more than before so that its findings become more concrete and supportable. But such an objectivism is more challenging.
This paper has paid more attention to those challenging facets and showed to what extent this objectivism has been attained. Besides, some important strategies of the past and present based on five criteria of acceptable evaluation to signalize their shortcomings in the process of TE have been analyzed. A new procedural eclectic model of TE heeding the cited criteria has been introduced at the end.