期刊名称:ŽIVOT I ŠKOLA, časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja
出版社:Faculty of philosophy Osijek, Faculty of education in Osijek 31 000 Osijek, L. Jagera 9
摘要:The goal of this research was to examine parents’ attitudes towards upbringing practices and their connection with corporal punishment. Furthermore, we have tested the frequency of corporal punishment and abuse of primary school children. In this research we used a questionnaire of beliefs about desirable parental practices towards young children and the corporal punishment scale. 190 parents of elementary school children took part in this research. The results have shown that parents believe in active participation in their children’s upbringing. They also believe that obedience and subordination of children to their parents is important. In addition, they mostly agree that attending to baby’s crying is justified; however, when it comes to demands and restrictions, they are not sure whether they have to provide justifications and believe that corporal punishment is justified to some extent. The results have also demonstrated that corporal punishment of children is the most frequent among parents, followed by physical abuse, and a very small incidence of serious abuse. No statistically significant correlation between the conviction of the importance of parents’ participation in upbringing and physical punishment has been shown. However, there is a significant positive correlation between the parents’ belief that children should be obedient and subordinated to them, that induction is unnecessary, the belief that not attending to baby’s crying is not justified and the belief that corporal punishment is justified. Tolerance toward corporal punishment and its justification are important risk factors for such behaviour and for corporal punishment which is, in addition to violating the rights of children, connected to a variety of adverse developmental outcomes.