摘要:There is a great quantity of whey as by-product in cheese industry. Because of its biological-nutritive value, whey is a rich raw material that can be used in food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. One of its uses in food-industry is in the production of different whey-based beverages. In 1990 Dairy of Maribor was the first in Slovenia that started with production of whey fruit beverages. As it was the first such product with commercial name Lambada thereafter we present technological process of production of Lambada with various fruit tastes (lemon, orange, exotic, actinidy, mango, and others), its organoleptic, chemical and bacteriological characteristics. We present also its energetic and dietetic value, and some marketing characteristics and offering problems relative to Lambada.
关键词:whey-fruit drink Lambada; composition; sensory evaluation; energy value; nutritive value