期刊名称:Constantin Brancusi University's Annals, Letters and Social Sciences Serie
出版社:Academica Brancusi Publisher
摘要:Pollution in agriculture can be defined as a result of physical factors (especially radiations but also soil erosion), chemical (toxic substances, agrochemicals unwisely used) or biological (population invasions and explosions) which through their action decrease the productivity of cultivated organisms (through damage of metabolism) and are accumulated as secondary products or technical residues in food, fooder or in environment. „Greenhouse effect” attracts also modification of rainfalls regime, ice geographical modification, changes in dynamic and structure of populations in ecosistems. Acid rain is formed in great measure of sulphur acid resulted from sulphur dioxide eliminated by electric power stations that burn coal. Salinization, another degradation form of the soil, affects an are more restrained, especially in the case of irrigated soils. Soil degradation (and of lands in general) has predominant anthropic causes, while in case of drought and desertificatio the climate factor has the decisive role. That is why, forthe present alarming state of soils quality, man is the main guilty. Many chemical fertilizers, as ammonia, potassium and calcium nitrates, ammonium sulphate, superphosphate, urea, so necessary to agricultural production growth, can become polluting factors, when these are used excessively and repeatedly along the years. The polluting action of pesticides (polluting agents without frontiers) includes all three milieu: AIRWATER-SOIL, their circulation being made by the means of the living beings in waters and air