The paper aims at highlighting the positive effect of applying socioconstructivist theory within the psycho-pedagogic study programmes. Social constructivism draws together cognitive processes with social interactions taking place on the occasion of these interactions, which requires the use of specific methodologies, based on interactive learning and learning by co-operation. The main reaserch sample consists of 212 subjects – students enrolled in the programme of psycho-pedagogic studies, in an experimental pretest/posttest plan with equivalent groups. Among the psycho-pedagogic research methods we used two methods which correspond to the experimental requirements: the method of the written questionnaire inquiry and the pedagogic test. The results were processed by the statistic-mathematical methods: tables of synthetic results, determining the central trend, identifying the correlation. Also, the focus group method was used to determine the trainers’ perception within the training programme. In the present research we used this method in the posttest phase, with a sample of 20 university teachers (professors, deputy professors, lecturers, assistant lecturers) who applied interactive training methods, monitoring mainly the appreciation of the usefulness of interactive methods, by highlighting the effects of their application. As a general conclusion of our reaserch, the interactive methodological intervention (based on the theory of social constructivism) led to the improvement of the activity within the programme of psycho-pedagogic studies. The experiment conducted reveals the modifications due to the use of interactive methods in the didactic activity afferent to teachers’ initial training, and the data collected confirm the expected cognitive, practical-applied and inter-relational progress.