期刊名称:Annales Universitatis Apulensis : Series Oeconomica
出版社:“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
摘要:During the period previous to the crisis, most of the EU new member states from our research (especially Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania) have registered a fast growth of the households indebtedness, which has lead to the extension of the vulnerabilities of this sector in front of some macroeconomic shocks. In this context, our research aim to especially comparatively underline the stylised facts about the indebtedness degree of the households from the analysed countries and the main effects generated by the fast growth of the banking debts of this sector. Through the undertaken analysis in our research we aim at underling the major importance which the insurance of a sustainable household’s indebtedness level has for the macroeconomic and financial stability of a country.
关键词:households’ indebtedness; new EU member countries; vulnerabilities; loans to households;global crisis