期刊名称:Annales Universitatis Apulensis : Series Oeconomica
出版社:“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
摘要:In this paper we will approach another qualitative marketing research type based on a new relation – from “laboratory” to “reality”. In fact “believe and do not research” is an old saying stepped out of the marketing specialists’ vocabulary. The increased competition and the quick rhythm of the technologies’ evolution and together with them of the products and services are engines that are pushing and imposing a permanent adjustment of the offer to the higher exigencies of the consumers. Romanian consumer entered later in the crazy race of the consumption society. He was, at the beginning, confronted with the diversity alternatives and he was surprised that he did not have to wait like before. Such as accommodating with “good” is not very difficult, we, the Romanians, skip of stages and we adjusted to the new stile.