期刊名称:European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy
出版社:Associazone Pragma
摘要:On the question of “the individual and the community in pragmatism”, most people would probably think first of Dewey’s influential ideas about the individual and society: his conception of education as preparation for responsible citizenship3, perhaps, or his critique of the “ragged individualism” of unbridled capitalism4. But, because my work has focused primarily on logic, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, and the like, the first topic that came to my mind was Peirce’s complaint about the “pernicious” individualism of Descartes’s criterion of truth5, and the role of the community in his own theory of inquiry. And I hope, one day, to return to the task of tracking how Peirce’s pragmati[ic]ist under-standing of truth and reality in terms of the community of inquirers grew from the seeds to be found in his 1868 anti-Cartesian papers6; and maybe, also, to explore the parallels, and the divergences, between Peirce’s critique of Descartes and James’s7 – or try to get to the bottom of Peirce’s intriguing idea that a solution to the problem of induction requires us to acknowledge that “logic depends on the social principle”8