期刊名称:ŽIVOT I ŠKOLA, časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja
出版社:Faculty of philosophy Osijek, Faculty of education in Osijek 31 000 Osijek, L. Jagera 9
摘要:The paper discusses the four novels for the young by the author Sanja Pilić including the following: O mamama sve najbolje, Mrvice iz dnevnog boravka, Sasvim sam popubertetio and Jesam li se zaljubila? In addition to the emphasis of the author's importance in the Croatian children's literature, the interpretation of the novels is aimed at briefly outlining their contents and significance. A more detailed interpretation is dedicated to the main characters and their individual and common traits, adolescence being the most important one. Furthermore, the paper deals with the similarities and differences between the characters of boys and girls who are depicted true to their real-life counterparts. The evidence supporting those similarities and differences can be found in the psychological literature. Although in many respects similar, each character, as well as each person in real life, is unique with their striking personality.
关键词:adolescence; puberty; boys; girls; similarities and differences