期刊名称:Collected papers of the faculy of law in Split
出版社:Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu
摘要:The theme of this paper is a new organization of public services in European legal systems, which occur in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Union. The paper analyzes the gradual transformation of the existing model of public services, and establishment of a new concept of public service, which is manifested in the creation of so-called „services of general economic interest“. The paper will devote attention to the European Commission concerning the new concept of services of general economic interest, which is presented through many published documents. Attention will be devoted to the position of the European Court of Justice, which is the case law set the parameters for distinguishing economic from non-economic public services.
关键词:public administration; European law; public services; services of general economic interest