摘要:This work contains an analysis of the discovery of a Roman-era grave stela from the Pazdigrad section in the city of Split. During the Roman era, the site at which the inscription was found was certainly some type of settlement or estate with its own necropolis, of which there is no physical evidence today with the exception of movable artefacts discovered over the wider area of Pazdigrad and Žnjan over the past 150 years. This settlement was located to the south of the road leading from Epetium to the Ad Dianam outpost, and based on finds it was inhabited from the first century onward. The inscription itself exhibits several very interesting linguistic details which may be deemed confirmation of the existence of Vulgar Latin in the first century.
关键词:Split peninsula; Salona ager; centuriation; first century; Pazdigrad; onomastics; annuclus; Vulgar Latin