摘要:The discussion focuses on three-looped fibulae (Fig. 1), a significant element of the female attire in the Iapodian territory (Fig. 2). The analysis of jewelry in the graves from Kompolje and Prozor has shown (Fig. 3) that this type of fibula is an exceptionally traditional and conservative piece of jewelry when compared with the other types. It remained in use through several centuries and must have been an important indica¬tor of the identity of the women who wore them. We can conclude from the combinations of three-looped fibulae and caps of types I, II and III after Drechsler-Bižić and various pins (Fig. 4, 5), as well as from their position in graves that they were used for fastening the head covering, whether a cap or a kerchief. We attempted to demonstrate the way the Iapodian three-looped fibulae were worn on the example of the girls’ or women’s attire of the Dinaric type, characteristic for northern Dalmatia including the southeastern part of the Velebit Mountain, as well as for Bosnia (Fig. 6–8).
关键词:Iapodes; Early Iron Age; attire; three-looped fibulae