摘要:The aim of this study was to assess the vocational competence of beginning teachers (teaching up to 5 years) and students in their final year at teacher education academies in Croatia. We also wanted to examine the teaching approach of the two groups and the differences in the perceived competences of teacher-oriented and studentoriented beginning teachers and final year students. Our sample consisted of 123 beginning teachers and 334 final year students, all of whom had studied at the same academies. Out of 20 areas of knowledge and skills needed for the teacher’s job mentioned in our questionnaire, the students assessed themselves as more competent than the teachers in 8 areas, for 10 items there was no statistical difference, and the teachers assessed themselves as more competent in only two areas. It seems that beginning teachers may experience a kind of reality shock. When they are students, they have some expectations and assessment about their job that are not compatible with the experience of beginning teachers. While students and teachers did not differ in their teacher-centred orientation, students were more student-oriented in their teaching approach than the teachers. The teachers and pre-service teachers who favoured a teacher-centred approach felt more competent in their work than those favouring a student-oriented one.