摘要:Summary By fi lter-feeding, bivalve shellfi sh can accumulate large quantities of toxins from phytoplankton algae. The shellfi sh contaminated by these toxins are completely healthy, without visible changes. After consuming shellfi sh, toxins can cause fi ve syndromes with people: ASP, PSP, DSP, NSP and AZP. Toxins which cause AZP poisoning are classifi ed as DSP toxins in Croatian legislation. ASP poisoning is characterized by the loss of memory, PSP paralysis, and DSP and AZP are characterized by a diarrhea. NSP poisoning appears at the coasts of North and South America and New Zealand and it is characterized by neurological symptoms. ASP, PSP and DSP toxins, and algae that produce them are found in the area of the Republic of Croatia. HPLC-UV is used for detection of toxins of ASP group, biological experiment on mice and HPLC-FL for PSP, and biological experiment on mice is used for toxins of DSP group. Ordinances proscribe the frequency of sampling sea water for phytoplankton content and shellfi sh for toxins, and maximum permissible toxin levels in edible parts of shellfi sh.