摘要:The influence of new informational technologies, especially the wireless ones (laptop, mobile phones) is more and more felt from day to day. Due to the fact that the mobility of the population is highly expanded, especially in urban areas, the notion of space, localization and time is getting new meanings. In a ways, nobody is «somewhere» if he or she could not be seen «there». So, even we live in a deterritorialized world more and more, in a way we should to come again back to some older concepts when the time and space had been overlapped which means that somebody was «somewhere» only if he or she could be registered and seen «there». Today's concept of time and space compression, new thinking on places and spaces (flows of spaces – Castells) as well as new notions of cosmopolitism and globalization and localism and localization and calling upon social scientists to try to provide contemporary explanations. In a way, contemporary inhabitant of the urbanized world, and especially under the influence of modern communication technology is more and more «globalize», but at the same time he or she is also oriented to select and bring closer to his home the parts of the global world that she or he prefers (home cinema, for example). The most important sociological aspects will be expanded and explained in this paper.
关键词:urban society; urban time; communication technology; place; space