摘要:The objective of this research was to analyse the development problems of Žumberak in the context of its peripheral position within Central Croatia, and its position at the state border with Slovenia. Taking this into account, problems of demographic development, demographic structures, socio-economic development, gravitational orientation, housing standards, and usage of houses of this area have been spatially differentiated and studied within the border zone of the Žumberak region. Data obtained from several sources were statistically processed, and analysed in tabular form. The intensity of commuting of the border zone inhabitants, functional orientation of the border area to individual centres in Croatia and Slovenia, changes caused by implementation of the Schengen Agreement, and perspectives of settlements located in the border zone were examined using a questionnaire survey and interviews in the field. Using the technique of SWOT analysis, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to further development of Žumberak have been analysed.
关键词:border areas; periphery; development problems; cross-border circulation; Žumberak