摘要:To achieve a higher level of export competitiveness, it is necessary to identify advantages and obstacles encountered in export and import of Primorje-Gorski kotar County. For economies as small as the Croatian economy, export competitiveness is the key to the sustainable growth and vitality of economic activity. Proper utilization of advantages and reduction of risks result in favourable environment for increasing investment activities and employment, costs are reduced and productivity improved. Also, export makes it possible for domestic production to reach the effects of economy of scales. The above consequences undoubtedly have economic development as a result. A surplus in foreign exchange of Primorje-Gorski kotar County has been recorded in the field of production of other means of transport, with ship building at the very top of the list, which is due to the County’s competitive advantages. However, there are structural problems that weaken export competitiveness of the most propulsive export sector. Primorje- Gorski kotar County has recorded a steep growth in activities like trade and processing industry, owing to favourable business environment and business sector in the past few years. However, neither the real deficit generated by some activities of Primorje-Gorski kotar County nor negative company performance resulting from insufficient competitiveness should be disregarded.
关键词:export competitiveness; RCA index; RCA net export; economic activity of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County; foreign exchange