期刊名称:Drustvena istrazivanja. Journal for General Social Issues
期号:6 (80)
出版社:Institute of Social Sciences IVO PILAR
摘要:The central thesis of this article is that one of the key premises of the macrosociological theories of the 19th century – the "pacifist" idea of the progressive elimination of violence from the life of modern society – should be corrected by the approach which will not ignore the persisting coexistence of "organized violence" (here, primarily, military power and institutions) and modern social "order". Insight in such coexistence is clearly articulated and established in some recent sociological theories of social modernization by recognizing the autonomous role of "structures of organized violence". In that context "autonomous" means that the modernizing effects of "military factor" are no longer reduced to mere derivates of impacts of "higher order" factors (economic, political, ideological, technological etc.), but are interpreted as effects of the instance characterized by its own (specific) developmental logic and dynamics – always in interaction with the other fundamental developmental dimensions. The aforementioned finding also calls for caution regarding the theoretical attempts to identify modernization and "progressive" demilitarization of post-cold war societies.