摘要:Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) leads to reduction of inflammatory symptoms and causes faster epithelisation in corneal ulcers and persistant epithelial defect. 21 patients with corneal ulcer (n=18) or non-healing epithelial defect (n=3) unresponsive to conventional treatment were included in the study. All patients were treated by AMT. Corneal epithelial cells in patients suffering from corneal ulcer secreted 3.51±1.79 of IL-1a, 64.27±31.53 pg/mL of TNFa and 209.07±201.82 pg/mL of VEGF. Levels of all 3 investigated cytokines were significantly higher as compared to controls (p sTNF and 175.01±166.63 pg/mL of VEGF-R. Supporting effect of the AMT could be explained by the fact that AM secretes its natural antinflammatory antagonists IL-1ra, sTNF and VEGF-R.