摘要:The system consisting of 20 variables, among which the number of 8 variables were of specific movement structures (as criterion variables) and 12 variables with morphological features (as predictor variables), were applied at the sample of 92 boxers being members of Croatian boxing clubs with different weight categories. The relatioship between two different systems of manifest features was determined by calculation of crosscorrelation matrix while the influence of the system of morphological variables (as the system of predictor variable) was calculated by regression analysis. The results based on the analysis of the matrix of crossrelations between criterion system of variables of specific movement structures and predictor system of morphological variables were relatively high and statistically important correlations at most applied variables. They also showed that the predictor system of variables of morphological features has a statistically important influence on all individual criterion variables of specific motor movement structures at the level of .00 (p=.00). So, it can be concluded that morphological structures have a big influence while performing some specific motion structures at boxers.
关键词:boxers; specific movement structures; morphological features; influence