摘要:Recent attempts at bringing our profession to a global population have been nothing short of encouraging. But how do we gauge our effectiveness and impact? I often read with pleasure the efforts of my colleagues as they foray into countries previously untouched by athletic trainers. At first glance, it seems to be a slam dunk academically. Combining professionals with students, taking them to exotic locations and touring world famous landmarks is indeed a profound thing, and previously, something unheard of in our field. I recall as an undergraduate student desperately wanting to study abroad for a semester, maybe even a year, only to be told it was possible but it would set me back a year clinically. While pedagogically it was the right thing to do, not studying abroad was a difficult pill to swallow. Now, I proudly see that programs and institutions around the country are providing athletic training students with opportunities to study abroad and receive course credit for their endeavors, which I think is a beautiful thing. The kicker, however, is that this is only the first step.