期刊名称:Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences
出版社:Society for Business Research Promotion
摘要:Pakistan Football Industry is the one of the promising secondary industries of the country. Millions of lives and considerable portion of Pakistan’s GDP is directly or indirectly dependent on this sector. For a long period, industry enjoyed leadership status in international market, but, during last decade, it not only lost its leadership status- there is also considerable decline in the market share. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the challenges and issues faced by this sector and provide some suggestion to improve its performance. The research was conducted by using secondary data, as well as, making some interviews with football producers of Sialkot. The research found that social compliance issues, lack of technology, lower productivity, old production techniques, poor management and non-extent marketing skills and uncertain political and business environment are the major reasons behind the poor performance of this industry. This paper contributes by highlighting the importance of football industry for Pakistan economy, which has, so far, been neglected by the policy makers resulting in grave consequences for overall economy. The limitation of this paper is the heavy dependence on secondary data and its focus on football producers’ prospective. Future research can look at this problem from the prospective of other stakeholders, as well as, conduct an empirical investigation to explore these issues and challenges more deeply. Full Text